Midnight Lady: III ACTS is an experiential installation by Scent Artist Chris Chong and I, created for ‘There are Flowers in the Morning Mist’ Singapore Art Week 2023 at the Supper House curated by Ashley Chiam. . The artwork takes its inspiration from the cactus plant 'Epiphyllum Oxypetalum' which is also known as 'Queen of the night'. It blooms once a year only during the night. Her beauty is only witnessed during the night and by sunrise she wilts before the sunlight's first kiss, with only her scent lingering as the ghost of her arrival. . Pollinated by a series of nocturnal animals (Such as the Hawk moth and bats- which are drawn to her fragrance) - this gathering is similar to 'an after-party', an intimate event where creatures of the night are brought together to celebrate.
Inspired by this situation of chance encounter: between the flower's rare blossoming and the nocturnal creatures, Midnight Lady is introduced in three acts, each focusing on a different aspect of this encounter.
𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐈 notions to the initial veil of attraction. The scent draws reference from the reimagined floral scent released by the Queen of the Night and the powdery textures of midnight pollen.
𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐈𝐈 espouses notions of the chinese concept of 缘分(Yuan Fen) chance encounters and fate. The saccharine sweet scent is reminiscent of people - friends and partners sticking and bonding together through good and bad times.
𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐈𝐈𝐈 is dispersal 離別 (Li Bie), the solitude meanderings that arises after an intimate gathering. The au naturale scent of the environment reinforces the act of dispersion.

Photo credits: @asktonny

Photo credits: @asktonny