Since the dawn of human’s voyage into future, women were heralded for their beauty and more importantly their fertility and ability to bear children. In a pre-feminist era, women were second-class citizens in many patriarchal societies.
This is also evident in folklore and myths passed down in generations, from Medusa being raped in Minerva’s temple and being punished for it instead of her rapist the God Neptune, to The Iliad by Homer, who places the fault of the catastrophic events on Helen of Troy.
Sarah Lin grew up hating her bourne identity as a woman and constantly deemed that femininity as a sign of weakness and vulnerability under the violence of men. It was only of recent years that she grew to learn that there is a strength and power that women grace- fully possess, and in process learnt to embrace and ‘own it’.
Blooming Womb is a reaffirmation and celebration of this blooming, an acceptance and honouring of her femininity and identity as a woman, a rooting down and blossoming of vulnerability alongside with strength.