In a day, unless one often meditates on the presence of self, the point of contact with this reflection does not occur very often. Mirrors and being in movement bring us to the connection to our bodily selves. As an avid weightlifter, I find that these moments often occur in the daily rituals of bathing and grooming, situated in toilets. It is not often that we see our primordial bodies in the flesh, reflected back to us, inviting our own psyche in conversation.
Situated in the lush elegance of Johann’s abode, I propose to activate both of the toilets (kitchen and bedroom) to invite visitors to come into contact with their psyches and delve deeper into the intricacies of selfhood by interrupting the familiarity of the rituals one intimately engages in within toilets. By introducing fresh awareness to their bodies/self, I hope that visitors will graciously accept my invitation to engage with their inner worlds.